Listening Through Time and Place (2015)

Listening Through Time and Place:
An Interactive Oral History Exhibit

By the 2015 OHMA Cohort, April 28, 2016
Co-Curated by Amy Starecheski, OHMA Associate Director & Sara Jacobs, 2015
Check out the full event description on the OHMA blog

ShowcaseMapPreviewClick on the image above to explore an interactive map of the exhibition.

Listening through Time and PlaceOral history has the potential to transform public dialogue about some of the most important issues of our time—race and representation, migrant justice, legacies of colonization and political violence—by amplifying community histories in the public sphere, providing new perspectives and historical context. How can oral histories help us deepen our understanding of how communities resist, change, and grow?

This interactive, multimedia pop-up exhibit, curated by the students and faculty of the Columbia Oral History Master of Arts program, will present twelve projects engaging this question from different angles, asking:

  • How do experiences of movement and migration broaden our understanding of borders and the ways they have been challenged over time?
  • How are stories of resilience and tradition transmitted?
  • How do legacies of colonialism and violence manifest in both individual and collective memory?
  • How can personal stories about the past document injustice and indicate a new way forward?
  • How might we use oral history to imagine and create the future we want?

Audience members will be invited to don headphones, enter immersive spaces, use all of their senses, and learn about topics ranging from the Santería religious tradition to Southern food, from Latinx migration to activism in Turkey.