Se c’era quella persona che ti incuriosiva: an 80s lesbian bar in Southern Italy (2020)

Se c’era quella persona che ti incuriosiva: an 80s lesbian bar in Southern Italy

By Eleonora Anedda, 2020

In this piece, OHMA student Eleonora Anedda (2019-2020 cohort) brings us back to the 80s, in a vibrant Italian queer space. Alessandra, the narrator, shares her memories of Samba – a lesbian-owned gay bar in Cagliari, Sardinia. A short intro read by a computer-generated voice precedes the interview. Throughout the piece you will hear a soft sound of Mediterranean waves – Eleonora recorded them herself. She included them in the piece as that was the noise people hanging out at Samba would hear in the background, as the bar was located by the seaside. Like many other queer spaces, Samba no longer exists.



Computer generated voice: Hello.

The interview you’re about to hear is in Italian. If you don’t understand the language don’t worry, there’s a translation available for you.

I was hired to deliver this message.

I suggested the editor to use some noise in the background so that you, dear listener, can decide if you want to focus on the sound of mediterranean waves

[waves gently striking on sandy beach]

or voices.

[waves continue]

Alessandra: In that bar people would get there for dinner time, because we would eat there. As I told you we came by ourselves – we would meet there. Depending on how you were feeling you would gather together or stay alone at the bar. If there was a person you were curious about, one that you wanted to meet, or get to know better – you’d go up to her and start talking. There were no cell phones, Eleonora. That made a huge difference. So unless you made yourself clear on your intentions from the beginning you were just losing time. Who knew if you were going to see her again. You had to make yourself clear! Plus, because we all knew each other, if you liked someone, and you told your friend, maybe he knew her – if that was the case then it was easy. He introduced you and it was done. I met a girl because of that dynamic. She was a friend of a friend. “Look, I really like that girl” “Oh wait let me introduce you to her”. But after that, it was a matter of whether you were good at flirting or not. It was always physical. I mean you’d watch each other, shake hands, touch them if they were in front of you. Because you had to be straightforward. In a hurry! [laughs] Carpe diem!


Voce computerizzata: Ciao.

L’intervista che stai per ascoltare è in Italiano. Nel caso non capissi la lingua non ti preoccupare, è stata resa disponibile una trascrizione per te.

Io sono stata assunta per consegnare questo messaggio.

Ho suggerito all’editrice di adoperare dei suoni di sottofondo così che tu, caro ascoltatore, potrai decidere se concentrarti sul suono delle onde del mediterraneo

[un onda s’infrange sulla spiaggia]

o sulle voci.

[il moto ondoso continua]

Alessandra: Guarda, in quel locale si arrivava sempre più o meno all’ora di cena, perché ovviamente si mangiava lì, e poi ci si incontrava come ti dicevo moltissimi arrivavamo da soli. Ci univamo agli altri a seconda degli umori, o stavi da solo al bancone. Se c’era quella persona che ti incuriosiva, volevi conoscere, approfondire – ti avvicinavi e iniziavi a parlare. Non c’erano i cellulari, Eleonora. Questo faceva molto la differenza. Quindi o ti facevi capire o perdevi tempo. Chissà se la prossima volta che andavi in quel locale quella persona c’era. Bisognava farsi capire subito! Visto che ci conoscevamo tutti se c’era una persona che ti piaceva lo dicevi al tuo amico che magari la conosceva ed era facile. Te la presentava ed era fatta. Anche io ho conosciuto una ragazza proprio con questa dinamica. Era amica di un amico. “Ah ma guarda la tua amica mi piace moltissimo” “Ah aspetta che te la presento”. Poi lì dipendeva molto dalla tua intraprendenza. Però – sempre molto fisico. Nel senso che ti guardavi, stringevi la mano, toccavi la persona che avevi davanti. Perché dovevi farlo capire. In velocità! [ride] dovevi cogliere l’attimo ecco.